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Can't view charts Microsoft Edge or IE.

Problem - when you try to view a chart using Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer in Windows 10, no login box appears. Instead of displaying the chart you get a little box with an x in it. The screen will look something like this:

Edge Chart Missing

The solution is to use the "User Login" button in the toolbar on the left side of the screen. This will bring up the login box and you can enter your username and password. This will be stored for the rest of your session. Unfortunately microsoft edge won't store the login after you close the browser, so the next time you go to the website you will probably need to login again. Not that much of a hassle, but if you want to avoid it the solution is to use a different browser. Chrome, Firefox, and Safari will work fine and will store your login info for you. Below are links to download an alternate browser (all are free).

Google Chrome download page

Mozilla Firefox download page

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